2017 December Umrah Gallery
“Our Umrah trip was indeed a sacred journey of a lifetime. The deep spiritual and emotional connection with the Divine and our beloved Prophet (saw) was unquestionably a humbling experience. Alhamdulillah we were blessed to be in the company of such amazing people like you all. We thank you from the heart for your beautiful company, your support, your kind words and even your sweet smiles. A huge thanks goes out to the organizers for their tremendous efforts in making this happen and to Shaikh Mendes whose knowledge and guidance truly made this an illuminated tour. May Almighty Allah embrace you and your families in His loving grace and reward you for all your great work. Hope to stay in touch Inshah’Allah”.
– Sanam S., New York (December 2017 Umrah)
“I wanted to express my gratitude to the organizers of Nur al Huda for the time, kindness, and courtesy provided to my son. This was his first exposure to umra and alhemdullah with Allah’s mercy he was led to an extraordinary experience. He came home extremely pleased especially with the guidance and hospitality provided to him. Words cannot describe the appreciation I have for Nur al Huda, may Allah bless you all for allowing him to join your group for the experience of a lifetime!”
– Sawson H., Alabama, GA (December 2017 Umrah)
“Thank you Nur Al Huda for arranging this trip and making everything so enjoyable and smooth. Thank you also to Sheikh Mendes for enlivening us in the memories of our living legends. And thank you to everyone who joined this umrah 2017 – young and old (or should I say young and not so young?). Meeting you all has been a personal joy in my life. Inshallah we can stay in touch. Jazakallah Khair to everyone!”
– Zen A., New York (December 2017 Umrah)
“May Allah reward you all for your efforts! May Allah accept all your acts of worship! Ameen. Shukran Nur Al Huda for organizing this trip Inshallah this will be the first of many. To the organizers of Nur Al Huda, Shukran for taking my daughter on this amazing journey and for taking her under your wing. Allah is the best of planners and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people for her to have this experience with Alhumdullilah. I’m so excited to hear her all her stories! Sheik Mendes Shukran for all the knowledge you have shared!”
– Elly B., Philadelphia PA (December 2017 Umrah)